Wednesday, February 20, 2019

How superstitious are you?

1) Do you think a Friday that falls on the 13th day turns your luck for the worse?
2) Before an important competition, test, or a race, do you put a  rabbit's paw into your pocket?
3) Do you go searching for a four-leaf clovers every year?
4) When you notice a crack on a pavement, do you avoid stepping on it?
5) Do you seriously believe you will have 7 years of bad luck when you break a mirror?
6) Do you believe opening an umbrella indoors is a bad thing to do?
7) Do you believe astrological signs tell the truth about somebody's personality?
8) Will you go back home after you've seen a black cat crossing the street?
9)  Would you change your phone number if it had 666 in it?
10) Do make a wish when the time is 11:11?
11) Do you have a horseshoe above any of your doors at home?
12) Do you think finding a penny brings good luck?
13) Do you have a habit of throwing a coin into a fountain to make a wish?
14) Do you believe special stones / gems  can protect people?
15) Do you think beginners / amateurs have more luck than experienced people?
16) When you see a shooting star, do make a wish?
17) When you know you have a stressful day ahead, do you choose your clothing extra carefully?
18) Do you believe in ghosts, spirits?
19) Do you like films about the supernatural?
20) Do you sometimes read horoscope in the papers or online?
21) Do you have your lucky number?
22) When you brag about something or reveal your hopes, do you "touch wood " or "spit over your shoulder"?

Count all your YES-answers.

0-5 YES-answers. You are not a superstitious person and you probably don't understand superstitious people around you. It is a new world for you, but it doesn't hurt to know what lies in our folklore. When you learn what has caused a certain superstition, it is not difficult for you to take it logically. It doesn't influence your everyday behaviour. When you see a plane crash in your dream, then it doesn't make you cancel your own flight the next day. Just a coincidence, you shrug shoulders and board the plane without unease.

6-9 YES-answers. Either your family, friends or people around you have influenced you by introducing their own superstitions to you. So it all began and now you want to learn more. As you've experienced a few coincidences yourself, you begin to question what the supernatural powers are. It's now in your own hands whether what you believe in makes you stronger or limits your understanding what is natural and what is not, what is a pure coincidence and what not. When you learn what has caused a certain superstition, try not to allow it influence your everyday behaviour too much.

10-13 Yes-answers. You are quite a superstitious person who pays attention to details. You don't need to experience something yourself first, you remember very well what you read, hear and see in films. You recognize certain symbols and some of them make you feel anxious. Some of the superstitions you might find funny, but there are some which might frighten you. Try to balance your interest in the supernatural with science and logical thinking.

14-17 Yes-Answers. Probably people around you need to encourage you act against the superstitions and you might find it difficult at times because you often think about superstitions. You probably follow your routine which gives you comfort and strength. The others might not understand your stress when you can't find your lucky T-shirt or why you stop the car because you left your talisman at home. Try to make a difference when thrills of a superstition become a self-limiting obsession.

18-20 Yes-Answers. Try to get more professional feedback on this topic, so that you could live your life with an open mind in the future.

21-22 Yes-Answers. Are you sure you understood the questions correctly?  You should be worried.

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