Friday, December 13, 2024

Vitamins and Minerals

 Vitamins fall into two categories: fat soluble and water soluble (pronounced: SAHL-yuh-bul):

  • The fat-soluble vitamins — A, D, E, and K — dissolve in fat and are stored in your body.
  • The water-soluble vitamins — C and the B-complex vitamins (such as vitamins B6, B12, niacin, riboflavin, and folate) — dissolve in water. Your body can't store these vitamins. Any B or C vitamins that your body doesn't use travels through the bloodstream and is lost (mostly when you pee). So you need a fresh supply of these vitamins every day.

Vitamins are organic substances, which means they’re made by plants or animals. Minerals are inorganic elements that come from soil and water, and are absorbed by plants or eaten by animals. 

Vitamins and minerals - why are they important and which foods give them? 

more info: HERE

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


 Fruits: lemon, cherry, strawberry, blueberry, 

gooseberry, plum, apricot, apple, pear, grape, 

mango, watermelon, raisin, rhubarb, nuts

Others: soup, dish, sandwich, pasta, fries, 

chips, cereal / cornflakes, rice, tea, juice, 

cinnamon, bread, salt

Vegetables: cabbage, carrot, potato, turnip, 

lettuce, onion, garlic, herbs, parsley, beans, 

peas, pumpkin, cucumber, tomato, pepper, olive

Sweet: sweets, candies, lollipop, jelly, 

marmalade, jam, honey, syrup

Meat / fish: meat, sausage, ham, 

mince (minced meat), fish, salmon, 

beef, pork, eel, steak

Milk products: yoghurt (yogurt), curd, 

cheese, ice cream, butter, cream, milk

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Unit 3 Vocabulary

 1) süsiniku jalajälge vähendama

2) külmikus hoidma, (toitu) jahutama

3) viimane / hiljutine uuring

4) hea sinu immuunsussüsteemile

5) süsivesikud

6) toidukordi vahele jätma

7) müügiautomaat

8) toiteainerikas

9) piimapakk

10) lisaained (selgitus: nagu maitse- ja lõhnatugevdajad)

11) valku sisaldama

12) töödeldud toit

13) saatjaks kellegile olema, koos minema

14) teaadaanne

15) kasutatud raamatude müük

16) säilitama lihatooteid

Now check your answers

1. reduce carbon footprint

2. refgrigerate

3. a recent study

4. good for your immune system

5. carbohydrates

6. miss out meals

7. vending machine

8. nutritious

9. a carton of milk

10. additives

11. contain protein

12. processed food

13. accompany sb to

14. announcement

15. second-hand book sale

16. preserve meat products

3A: The good, the bad and the ugly

 Task 1: check your answers

1) multiply

2) carbon footprint

3) refrigerate

4) create pollution

5) cause global warming

6) immediately feel guilty

7) produce prawns

8)healthy snack

9) recycle packaging

10) rubbish dump

11) need protection

12) plastic container

13) grow in natural sunlight

14) heated greenhouses

15) less energy-efficient

16) freezer

17) make a checklist

18) grow locally

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Verb + prepositions

 1) learn _____ somebody

2) borrow something ______ somebody/somewhere

3) belong ____ somebody / something

4) happen ______ somebody

5) wait _____ somebody / something

6) hope ______ something

7) warn somebody ______ something

8) think ________ somebody / something


1) learn FROM somebody

2) borrow something  FROM  somebody/somewhere

3) belong  TO  somebody / something

4) happen  TO  somebody

5) wait  FOR  somebody / something

6) hope  FOR  something

7) warn somebody  ABOUT  something

8) think  ABOUT  somebody / something

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Nieuw Amsterdam => New York City

 Complete the timeline (Video)

< 1594: ______ lived in America

(12 Oct 1492 Christopher  Columbus  arrived at  ______ )

1594 the first European arrived at _____ 

1625: Dutch settled at Manna-hata

1638: built the first school

1664: Battle between the English and Dutch => English rule

1700: NY became a trading port

1776: American Revolution

1790: NY became the largest town in the US

Immigration from Europe (14 million)

1886: the Statue of Liberty

1898: Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island

1904: Subway opened

1920: became the biggest town in the world

1930: more than 7 mln people

2023: 8.3 million (20 million including suburbs)

Friday, November 15, 2024

Prepositions of Movement















Check your words

1) into (the box)
2) out of (the box)
3) around (the box)
4) away from (the box)
5) towards (the box)
6) past (the box)
7) onto (the box)
8) off (the box)
9) over (the box)
10) under (the wall)
11) through (the pipe)
12) up (the stairs)
13) along (the street, road)
14) down (the stairds)

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Past Simple / Irregular Verbs

 Task 1: Bow and arrows

Task 2: Irregular verbs 1

Task 3: Irregular verbs 2

Task 4: Past Simple - multiple choice

Task 5: Past Simple - affirmative sentences and questions (I went... / Did you go....?)

Task 6: Past Simple - positive, negative and questions TYPE

Task 7: Irregular verbs - mix

Task 8: Is the sentences in Past Simple or Past Continuous?

Task 9:  Which side of the sentence has "something happened" and which side "was/were doing"?

Task 10: Type: use Past Simple or Past Continuous

Extra tasks

Irregular verbs



Task 3

1) were playing

2) was preparing

3) were playing

4) was practicing

5) were not cycling / weren't cycling

6) was working, were swimming

7) were not listening / weren't listening

8) were you doing

9) were sitting

10) was listening, was watching

11) were playing

12) were studying

Task 4

1) was reading

2) was watching

3) was writing

4) were listening

5) weren't watching

6) were talking

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Places in town / nature

 1. Entertainment:             cinema, concert hall, art gallery, museum, theatre

2. Sports:                             (football) stadium, skatepark, leisure centre, gym, pool, skating rink, 

3. Shopping and services:  police station, hospital, post office, flower shop / florist's, pharmacy / chemist's, shopping centre / mall, petrol station, clothes shop, bank, restaurant. bakery, hairdresser's / barber's, butcher's, greengrocer's, market, factory

4. Transport:                     bus station, bus stop, taxi rank, underground, airport, train station, car park, 

5. Education:                     library, school, university, kindergarten, college, church

6. Nature:                         park, cave, cliff, desert, hill, mountain, plain, sand dune, sea, valley, waterfall, river, lake, ocean, field, forest / wood, 

Monday, October 28, 2024


Task 2: Write a description of  a place you have visited

* Add a suitable title to your description

* write 4 paragraphs: introduction, 2 paragprahs with detailed information (decide what's the main topic in each paragraph), sum-up - Have a look at WB p 18 writing guide

* divide your paragraphs

* describe the place form different aspects, mention lots of details  

 * use a variety of adjectives

* pay attention to capital letters, short forms (didn't....) and punctuation ( "I" = mina!!!!) 

* use synonyms and different sentence structures

Use and a Word document. Share your document with your teacher. Her address is on the blackboard or at Stuudium

Marking scale:

Task: max 5p (you have understood what the description of a place is, it is long enough and information is relevant)

Layout: max 5p (separate 4 paragraphs)

Vocabulary: max 5p (sentences covey the meaning well, a variety of adjectives used, synonyms)

Grammar: max 5p (minor slips but generally correct)

2A Phrases


 1) unemployment

2) pollution

3) natural disasters

4) famine

5) crime

6) overcrowding

7) poverty


1) a Chinese fort

2) residents

3) illegal businesses

4) connections with the church

5) plague

6) to fall apart

7) a lively mining town

8) furniture factory

9) make their fortune

10) deserted

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Ghost towns

 1) Choose a ghost town to make a project about

2) Open a Word doc at Office

3) Write a title

4) Add information: location, size, history, present condition

5) Find a suitable photo

6) Your business plan: imagine you owned this place, what would you do with it? How to re-develop or protect the area? What could bring people back?

Share your document at the end of the lesson with your teacher. Her address is on the blackboard. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

1D phrases

 1) on the other side

2) get on the train

3) get off

4) international train journey

5) Latin America

6) Eastern Europe

7) overcrowded

8) suburb

9) to escape poverty

10) for the same reasons

11) get hrough hard times

12) get on with each other

13) to get away

Friday, September 13, 2024

Present Simple and Present Continuous / SB ex 3-5/6

 1) take (a)

2) don't stay (a)

3) don't lie (a)

4) help (a)

5) match (b) 

6) make (b)

7) don't go (b)

8) don't have (b) 

9) build (a)

10) are working (e)

11) is teaching (d)

12) 'm flying / am flying (f)

13) are arriving (f)

14) want (c)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Adjective + preposition

 1) to be proud ____ sth/sb

2) to get excited _____ sth/sb

3) to be interested ____ sth/sb

4) to be fed up _____ sth /sb

5) to be anxious _____ sth/sb

6) to be keen ____ sth

7) to be ashamed ____ sth/sb

8) to be afraid ____ sth/sb

Check your answers

1) to be proud OF sth/sb

2) to get excited ABOUT sth/sb

3) to be interested IN sth/sb

4) to be fed up WITH sth /sb

5) to be anxious ABOUT sth/sb

6) to be keen ON sth

7) to be ashamed OF sth/sb

8) to be afraid OF sth/sb

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Life in a Day

 1) esitama / saatma videolõiku

2) digitaalne ajakapsel

3) salvestama sündmusi

4) salvestatud materjal

5) suplema jões

6) kingapuhastajana töötama

7) eelisolukorras / priviligeeritud

8) uhke (millegi üle)

9) ärevil (millegi suhtes)

10) häbenema (midagi)

11) korda minema, oluline olema

1) send in a video clip

2) a digital time capsule

3) record events

4) footage

5) bathing in the river

6) work as a shoeshine

7) privileged

8) proud of

9) anxious about

10) ashamed of

11) to matter


Thursday, May 16, 2024

What Nonsense!

limerick is a form of verse that appeared in England in the early years of the 18th century. Traditionally it used to be a  humorous drinking song often with obscene verses. It is written in five-line with a strict rhyme scheme of AABBA, in which the first, second and fifth line rhyme, while the third and fourth lines are shorter and share a different rhyme.[4]

It was popularized by Edward Lear in the 19th century, although he did not use the term. 

Limericks written by Lear

A few examples from a crazy collection of comic verse, loony limericks and rhyming riddles.

An epicure, dining at Crewe,
Found quite a large mouse in his stew;
Said the waiter, "Don't shout
And wave it about,
Or the rest will be wanting one, too!"


There was a young lady of Spain
Who was dreadfully sick in a train,
Not once, but again
And again and again
And again and again and again.


There was an old person of Fratton
Who would go to church with his hat on.
"If I wake up," he said,
"With my hat on my head,
I shall know that it hasn't been sat on."




A railway official of Skewe
Met an engine one day that he knew.
Though he smiled and he bowed,
That engine was proud;
It cut him - it cut him in two!


There was a young man of Devizes,
Whose ears were of different sizes;
One was quite small,
And of no use at all,
But the other was huge and won prizes.


An elephant born in Tibet,
One day in its cage wouldn't get.
So its keeper stood near
Stuck a hose in its ear,
And invented the first Jumbo Jet.


The Quiet Old Man by Edward Lear

There was an Old Man who said, "Hush!
I perceive a young bird in this bush!"
When they said, "Is it small?"
He replied, "Not at all!
It is four times as big as the bush!"


The Bearded Old Man by Edward Lear

There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, "It is just as I feared! -
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!"

Although at the limericks of Lear
We may be tempted to sneer
We should never forget
That we owe him a debt
For his work as a pioneer


I know an old owl named Boo, 
Every night he yelled "Hoo," 
Once a kid walked by, 
And started to cry, 
And yelled "I don't have a clue!"

There once was a young boy named Nick 
Who by chance was always being kicked 
He tried not to fight 
For he was smart, kind and bright 
So he learned how to run really quick

There once was this guy named Stan
Who had some trouble being a man
He wore a dress and high heels
And drove a Chevrolet with pink wheels
And soon Stan became a tran

A fellow jumped off a high wall 
And had a most terrible fall 
He went back to bed 
With a bump on his head 
That's why you don't jump off a wall 


There once was a boy named Dan, 
who wanted to fry in a pan. 
He tried and he tried, 
and eventually died, 
that weird little boy named Dan.

There once was a child in Spain 
Who loved to play in the rain 
One day he tripped 
And broke his hip 
Now he is in serious pain.

A painter, who lived in Great Britain,
Interrupted two girls with their knittin'
He said, with a sigh,
"That park bench--well I
Just painted it, right where you're sittin.'"

Monday, May 6, 2024


Writing a poem. Look at the questions and take notes. 

1) Things that make you happy, lifted, positively emotional / things that make you sad, angry, upset; things you wish to change or on the contrary - maintain; things that you find beautiful; things that make you anxious or worried

2) Dream. Where would you like to be right now? What to do? Who with?

3) Do you have very special memories from the past you could write a poem about?

4) Look at your key words and decide what the topic is going to be. 

5) What is the place? 

6) What's the time? Determine whether your poem is written in the past, present, future or it has mixed tenses. 

7) Write 5 important nouns needed for your poem. Find rhyming words for them. Rhyming words do not have to be nouns, they can be any.  

8) Write 5 important adjectives ....  Find rhyming words. 

9) Your poem should have at least 8 lines and 4 rhyming lines. You can make 1 and 3rd rhyme, 1st and 2nd or 1 and 4th. 

10) While you write, read your lines with a voice to find the best rhythm. 

Good luck! 

1) Edgar Allan Poe "The Raven"

2) William Shakespeare "Seven Ages of Man"

3) Emily Dickinson "Hope is the Thing with Feathers"

4) Robert Frost "The Road not Taken"

5)  E.E Cummings "I carry your heart with me"

Words: HERE

6) Walt Whitman "I hear America singing

words: HERE

7)  Walter D. Wintle "Thinking"

words: HERE

8) Rudyard Kipling "IF"

words: HERE

9)Maya Angelou  "I know why the caged bird sings"

10) Mary Oliver "Wild Geese"

Writing a poem

1) Things that make you happy, lifted, positively emotional / things that make you sad, angry, upset; things you wish to change or on the contrary - maintain; things that you find beautiful; 

2) What is the general topic or issue?

3) What is the place? 

4) What's the time? Determine whether your poem is written in the past, present, future or it has mixed tenses. 

5) Write 5 important nouns needed for your poem. Find at least one rhyming word for each. 

6) Write 5 important verbs.... Find rhyming words. 

7) Write 5 important adjectives ....  Find rhyming words. 

8) Description (Choose => describe the feeling, place, nature, weather etc.)

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

U6 Grammar

 Part 1 

Task 1: click here

Task 2: click here

Task 3: Will or going to

Task 4: Future tenses Quiz

Part 2

Task 5: 0-type conditional sentences - always happens or happens with great certainty

Task 6: First conditional 

Task 7: Zero or First Conditionals


The next tasks can be done in pairwork - you need just one laptop. 

Task 10: Baamboozle 1 (Choose Play => Baamboozle Play for free => 2 Teams)

Task 11: Baamboozle 2

Extra: click here (B2 level)

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Negative Prefixes

 1) ___ logical

2) ___ responsible

3) ___practical

4) ___moral

5) ___interesting

6) ____rational

7) ____tidy

8) ____polite

9) ____thinkable

10) ____possible

Now check

1) ILlogical

2) IRresponsible

3) IMpractical

4) IMmoral

5) UNinteresting

6) IRrational

7) UNtidy

8) IMpolite

9) UNthinkable

10) IMpossible

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

6A phrases


1) Fulmore'i Põhikool Texases on tavaline kool, mis õpetab harilikke õppeaineid.

2) Neil on olemas pipragaas. 

3) 90ndatel oli tõus alaealiste ja rühmakuritegude osas.

4) Ajalehed rääkisid kontrollimatutest lastest, vastutustundetutest vanematest ja koolidest, mis olid nagu sõjatsoonid. 

5) Kõik tahtsid enda lastele kaitset. 

6) Sa võid jamasse sattuda ka väikese rikkumiste eest.

7) Politsei võtab kinni inimesi vägivalla ja kooli ebaseaduslike relvade toomise eest. 

8) Politseinik karistab seaduserikkujaid ja annab neile kirjaliku korralduse.

9) Need õpilased satuvad kriminaalregistreisse. 

10) Enamik koole ei seisa silmitsi tõsise vägivallaohuga.

11) Politseinikud sageli tegelevaid vaid ebaküpsete õpilastega.

12) Lapsed tavaliselt ei soorita hirmsaid kuritegusid.

13) Karmid karistused väikeste rikkumiste eest võivad teha rohkem kahju kui kasu.

14) Ta ei täitnud käsku.

15) Nüüd politsei süüdistab teda kallaletungis. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

People we admire

Google search

 1. Victor Vescovo

2. Mother Theresa

3. Albert Einstein

4, Helen Keller

5. Malala Yousafzai

6. Volodymyr Zelensky

7. Nelson Mandela

8. Jeff Bezos

9. Greta Thunberg

10. Lionel Messi

11. Oprah Winfrey

12. Julia "Butterfly" Hill

13. Marie Grosholtz

14. Diana Nyad

15. Millie and Christine

16. Gitanjali Rao

17. Michael Jordan

18. Angelina Jolie


*  a title slide (name of the person, your name, date, school) 

 * Take notes: general and interesting facts about his/her childhood, achievements

* add only photos or images to your slides

optional: include a 1 min-long video (must be relevant to the topic, in English or with English subtitles  and educational)

Class composition / essay

1st paragraph: What makes people admire somebody? What do you personally admire others for?

2nd paragraph: Think of a person you admire. Write a description of that person (personal qualities, achievements etc). Add information how you met / got to know him/her. 

3rd paragraph: Describe the person you have found information about on the internet.  Include your opinion about his/her achievements or influence. 

*as the essay is about admiration, try to use synonyms for "to admire somebody"

* pay attention to capital letters, punctuation, short forms ("I")

* divide your ideas into paragraphs

* you should write at least 200 words (I notebook page)

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Photo Description

 1) What and who can you see? 

Use different sentence structures: I can see..., There is/are..., In the background / in the foreground / in the middle / on the left / on the right

2) How do things or people look like? What are they wearing? What have they got? Choose one or a few things to describe in details. 

3) Find similarities and differences in the photo. 

4) What is happening in the photo? What are the people doing? 

5) Talk about the time. Make speculations: probably, maybe, it seems, it's likely (that), I tend to think, perhaps etc.  What's the weather, season, place, country etc? 

6) How do they feel? Why do you think so? 

7) What were they doing before the photo was taken? 

8) What do you think they will do next?

9) If you still have some time left, add your opinion. Have you been in a similar situation? Would you like to be there? 

Try to speak 2 minutes and cover all 8 (9)  parts! 

Friday, March 8, 2024

Intensifiers and Strong Adjectives

 Intensifiers / boosters:









surprisingly  (suprisingly Am.E)












a little



Strong adjectives

1) very dirty

2) very important

3) very clean

4) very happy

5) very sad

6) very tired

7) very scared

8) very interesting

9)  very pleased

10) very good-looking

1) filthy, 2) crucial, 3) spotless, 4) ecstatic, 5) heartbroken, 6) exhausted, 7) terrified, 8) fascinating, 9) delighted, 10) gorgeous


Sunday, March 3, 2024

5A, 5C-D: Phrases

Group 1: 5A

 1) take fewer risks

2) seventeen-year-olds / 17-year-olds

3) the latest theories

4) brain chemical

5) cause the feeling of enjoyment

6) adolescence

7) make a surprising discovery

8) go through physical changes

9) frontal cortex

10) make good decisions

11) impress your friends

12) look at statistics

13) wear seat belts

14) trampolining

15) make sensible decisions

Group 2: 5C-D

1) public speaking

2) injections

3) fear of heights

4) preserve historic buildings

5) native people

6) supply of food / food supply

7) old explorer's boots

8) hard-working and ambitious

9) push sb to the limit

10) an amazing achievement

11) apart from penguins

12) motorized sleds

13) return journey

Retelling the story with the following keywords:

1) scientist

2) preserve

3) base camp

4) driest, 6 months, penguins

5) native people

6) inside the hut

7) Scott and Amundsen

8) dogs / sleds

9) turned back

10) Norwegian flag

11) return journey

12) supply of food

13) explorer's boots

14) gave up

Video: Scott / Amundsen

Video: Scott's Hut

Monday, February 19, 2024

5A: Taking Risks

Task 1: Translate

 1) Me saame heaolutunde kui me võtame riski või tuleme riskivõtmisega toime.

2) Teadlased usuvad, et aju keemiline aine dopamiin tekitab naudingutunnet.

3) Dopamiinitase on mõnikord noortel täiskasvanutel madalamal kui see on lapsepõlves. 

4) Mõnikord teismelistel pole kavatsust riski võtta, aga see lihtsalt läheb nii. 

5) Aju esiosa areneb välja kõige viimasena ja see ajuosa lubab meil enda emotsioone kontrollida ja häid otsuseid vastu võtta. 

6) Isegi need teismelised, kes tavaliselt ei ole suured riskivõtjad, võivad äkitselt teha midagi ohtlikku, sest nad tahavad teiste eest esineda või gruppi kuuluda. 

7) Poisid võtavad rohkem riske, sest nad ei taha piinlikust enda sõprade ees tunda

8) Riski võtmine ei ole kõige parem viis selleks, et inimesed austaks, märkaks sind ja et sa neile meeldiks. 

9) Kerget lahendust pole, aga püüa teha häid otsuseid ja olla iseseisev. 

10)  17-aastased ja vanemad juba suudavad lihtsamini teha mõistlikke otsuseid

Task 2: Retell the text

1) survive a risk

2) brain chemical

3) adolescence

4) intention

5) frontal cortex

6) fit in

7) embarrassed

8) respect

9) easy solution

10) sensible decisions