Friday, February 7, 2025

Household Chores

Task 1: Study part 1 phrases

 1) clean the bath(room)

2) make the bed

3) lay the table

4) do the dishes / do the washing-up 

5) load the washing machine

6) do the ironing

7) take out the rubbish

8) hoover the floor

Task 2: Do you remember the phrases and can you write them correctly?









Task 3: Study extra word (PART 2)

1) do the dusting

2) do the laundry

3) water the plants

4) do the shopping

5) sweep / mop the floor

6) organize the drawers

7) do the recycling

8) fold the washing

9) load / unload the dishwasher

10) hang the washing

Monday, January 27, 2025


 Group 1: types of houses

1) block of flats (Br.E.)/ apartment building (Am.E.)

2) bungalow

3) caravan / motorhome / camper van

4) castle

5) detached house / private house

6) mansion / villa

7) semi-detached house (Br.E.)/ duplex house (Am.E, Aus.E.)

8) terraced house

9) teepee

10) log cabin / log house / chalet 

11) fort

12) houseboat

13) skyscraper

14) farmhouse / cottage

15) lighthouse

16) barn

17) igloo

18) cottage

19) tent

20) palace

Group 2: Parts of houses

1) attic

2) conservatory

3) extension

4) insulation

5) foundation

6) utility room

7) facade

8) inn

9) studio

10) drive

11) rockery

12) thatched house

13) porch

14) exterior wall

Group 3: Parts of a house (SB vocabulary)

Do you remember all the words from your student book? Can you write them correctly?

Check your words

1) roof
2) chimney
3) skylight
4) garage
5) balcony
6) attic
7) upstairs
8) stairs
9) downstairs
10) front door
11) step
12) cellar

Knebworth House


Historic Homes

 Royal Family

Task 1: Translate the phrases

1) Parlamendihoone

2) jõukad inimesed

3) ehitama hiigelsuuri majasid

4) 15-meetri kõrgune lagi

5) kasutama erilisteks puhkudeks

6) keldrikorrusel

7) tassima sütt

8) ära kedagi väsitama

9) eraldi osas

10) Egiptuse kogu

11) surema sääsehammustusse

12) põhjustama

13) väärtasjad

14) Downtoni klooster / kloostrikirik / abtkond

Task 2: Retelling the text

1) From the outside the Highclere Castle looks like __________ because the same man built both places.

2) In the 19th century many ________ people wanted to show off and ________  houses. 

3) The building was finished in 1842 and it had more than 50 rooms including a room with ________ . 

4) This room was used only ________ . 

5) The servants lived _______ or attic and used a small staircase at the back of the house. 

6) They went up and down the stairs all day cleaning or ______ water, food or ____ . 

7) The work ______ the servants ____ . 

8) Children didn't spend much time with their parents and grew up in _________ . 

9) Highclere is famous for its ________ . 

10) In 1922 the Earl of Carnarvon visited the tomb of Egyptian phraoh and a few weeks later ______ . 

11) Many people thought that the Phraoh's curse _______ his death. 

12) Highclere is a well-known home in Britain not only because of its ________, but also because a British TV show ________ was filmed there. 

Task 3: Retell the text

1) the Houses of Parliament

2) wealthy people / build massive houses

3) a fifteen-metre-high ceiling

4) used on special occasions

5) in the basement

6) carrying coal

7) tired sb out

8) in a separate part

9) Egyptian connection

10) died from a mosquito bike

11) brought about

12) treasures  / Downton Abbey

Unit 4A: Words

 Group 1: SB p 42

1) the purpose of the experiment

2) modern-day family

3) semi-detached house

4) labour-saving devices

5) old-fashioned

6) air-raid shelter

7) open-plan home

8) three-bedroomed flat

9) central heating

10) full-time job

11) two-storey house

12) food rationing

13) domestic chores

Group 2: SB p 43 and 137

1) block of flats

2) bungalow

3) terraced house

4) necessarily

5) detached house

6) cottage

7) work part-time

8) unfortunately

9) adverbs of manner

10) thirty-eight-year-old

Do you remember the words?

Group 1: SB p 42

1) the purpose of the ____________ 

2) ________-day family

3) semi-__________ house

4) ________-saving devices

5) old-________ 

6) air-________ shelter

7) ________-plan home

8) three- _________  flat

9) _______ heating

10) full- _______  job

11) two- _________ house

12) food ________ 

13) _________ chores

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Relative Pronouns

 Do you remember WH-questions words? (where, when, what, who, whose, which)

Where is your book? Where = a question word

I don't know where my book is. where = a relative pronoun

That is not a question word but it acts as a relative pronoun in a sentence. 

I borrowed the book that we have to read at school. 

That = relative adverb


1. PEOPLE (use who or that)

Bryson is a famous writer who/that grew up in the USA. 

2. THINGS (use which or that)

It's the food which  / that I can't eat. 


He goes shopping with his wife, whose choices are always healthy. 

4. PLACES ( use where)

This is the town where I was born. 

5. TIME (use when)

This was the winter when it almost didn't snow. 

6. VERBS (use  what)

I don't know what he said.