Monday, May 23, 2022

Word formation: nouns

 1) pack => package

2) survive=> survivor, survival

3) appear=> appearance

4) perform => performer, performance

5) present => presenter, presentation

6) active => activity

7) dark => darkness

8) argue => argument

9) behave => behaviour

10) collect => collector, collection

11) invite => invitation

12) educate => educator, education

13) invent => inventor, invention

14) marry => marriage

15) bake => baker, bakery

16) final => finalist

17) real => reality, realism

18) sad => sadness

19) happy => happiness

20) donate => donation

21) music => musician

22) wait => waiter, waitress

23) explain => explanation

24) advertise => advertisement

25) rude => rudeness

26) fit => fitness

27) suggest => suggestion

28) converse => conversation

29) accommodate => accommodation

30) achieve => achievement

31) organise => organisation, organiser


Form a noun by adding suitable suffix and make up sentence with each formed noun.

1) explain

2) accommodate

3) advertise

4) educate

5) present

6) converse

7) bake

8) behave

9) active

10) sad

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Will or going to? (Mock test)

Which one do you use: 

1) ...  to make predictions with evidence? 

2)  ... to make a request?

3)  ... to make a promise?

4) ... to express certain or prior plans, decisions or intentions?

5) ... to mention things about to happen?

6) ... to give your opinion about future, to predict without evidence, based on your opinion?

7) ... to express instant, on-spot plans, decisions or intentions?

Monday, May 9, 2022

Unit 7: Mock Test

 WB ex 4/84 (max 8p)

1) T

2) F

3) T

4) T

5) F

6) T

7) F

8) F

WB ex 2/84 (a 2p/max 8p)

1) B

2) E

3) A

4) D

WB ex 8/83 (max 8p)

1) saw

2) lived

3) brought

4) came

5) took

6) taught

7) had

8) went

WB ex 9/83 (max 8p)

1) Did you have

2) did you do

3) did you go

4) Did you drive

5) didn't go / did not go

6) didn't like / did not like

7) Did you buy

8) didn't have / did not have

WB ex 10/83 (max 10p)

1) b

2) a

3) c

4) b

5) a

6) c

7) c

8) a

9) c

10) b

Monday, April 18, 2022

7C: Instructions


1) Eemalda kõik pakkematerjal.

2) Lülita vooluvõrku.

3) Järgi ekraanile ilmuvaid juhiseid. 

4) Seadista printer. 

5) Kõige esimesena kontrolli WIFI ühendust. 

6) Teisena paigalda tarkvara. 

7) Kolmandana lülita arvuti sisse. 

8) Pärast seda käivita arvuti uuesti. 

Now check

1) Remove all packaging.

2) Connect to the power source. 

3) Follow the on-screen instructions.

4) Set up a printer. 

5) First of all check the Wi-Fi / Wifi connection.

6) Secondly install the software. 

7) Thirdly turn on the computer. 

8) After that restart the computer. 

Monday, March 28, 2022

Presentation: Animals, Insects, Birds...

 1. Decide whether you want to make a presetantion alone or together with somebody

2. Google for interesting, unusual animals, insectsor birds. Choose  which one you are going to make a presentation  about.

3. Open a presentation at Office

4. Create a title page: name of the animal, your name, school, date

5. What characterises it?

6. Where does it live? About its population. Is it rare, endangered? Why?

7. What does it eat?

8. The nearest zoo to us - where can I see it?

9. An educational and interesting video in English (be prepared to show max 1 min of it, the most relevant part)

10. Share your presentation with your English teacher (her e-mail address is on the blackboard)

Monday, February 21, 2022

An article about Rapla

 1. paragraph: GENERAL FACTS (Write at least 3 sentences)

* 5,003 (2020), 22nd

* 1935 Rappel

* The Vigala River

* 1241

*  2 primary schools, 1 secondary school, 1 music school, basketball school

2. paragraph: PLACES OF INTEREST (min 5 sentences) 

Write about different places, describe them and their location. 

3. paragraph: EATING OUT / RESTAURANTS / ENTERTAINMENT ( min 5 sentences)

Write about different places, describe them and their location. 

4. paragraph: PLACES TO STAY / GETTING AROUND (min 3 sentences)

Write about different places, describe them and their location. 

5. paragraph: SUM UP 

Why guests or tourists should visit Rapla? Which season is the best time to visit? etc.

5F: Compass points and vocabulary

 Task 1: Make sentences by using the compass points

Task 2: Translate  the sentences

1) See on keskmise suurusega linn lõuna Brasiilias.
2) Paljud Lõuna-Ameerika linnad on väga saastunud
3) Ainult veerand 1.7 miljonilisest elanikkonnast kasutab autot.
4) Teised kasutavad ühistransporti.
5) Maapind linna all on täielikult kunstlik. 
6) Linn on väga halvas seisukorras.
7) Palgad on palju kõrgemad kui teistes kohtades.
8) See toodab tonnideviisi prügi iga päev.
9) Linn ei värba kedagi prügi korjama
10) Naised ja lapsed sorteerivad prügi käsitsi. 
11) Nad töötlevad ümber peaaegu 90% prügist. 

Task 3: check your spelling

1) a medium-sized city
2) polluted
3) 1.7 million inhabitants
4) public transport
5) completely artificial
6) condition
7) salaries
8) creates tonnes of rubbish
9) employ
10) collect rubbish
11) sort by hand
12) recycle

5E: phrases

 1) buy a ticket

2) get off a train / the train

3) go by plane

4) catch a tram

5) go on foot

6) ride a scooter

7) cross the road

8) wait for a bus

9) I can give you a lift.

10) underground station

11) arrive in England

12) arrive at the party

13) arrive home

14) more difficult