Thursday, March 26, 2020

Monday: 30th March

Today's aims:

* revise the vocabulary (+writing)
* practise listening skills
* take a word test

Task 1: Do you remember? (Tõlgi need sõnad suuliselt inglise keelde, kui ei oska, vaata oma vihikusse ja otsi ka SB p 96-97, eesmärgiks, et oskad nüüd ka neid sõnu kirjutada). Ära liigu enne edasi, kui oled kindel, et sõnad on selged!

1) papp
2) vask
3) nahk
4) teras
5) nailon
6) keraamiline, kahhel
7) võililled
8) betoon
9) langevarjud
10) vooluvõrk
11) ristkülikukujuline
12) kerakujuline
13) kolmnurkne
14) ringikujuline
15) juhtmeta, juhtmevaba
16) (midagi) ära hoidma, ennetama
17) sirge, otse
18) kõver, kurviline
19) käepide
20) metallist rehvid
21) teadlased
22) puit (materjalina), mets
23) ulpima, vee peal püsima
24) kitarrikeeled
25) päikeseenergial töötav

Task 2: Listening tasks

1) SB ex 7/97 - tee ettevalmistus vihikusse kuulamisülesandeks (pealkiri, kuupäev, numbrid)

Choose track nr 3.10:  SB ex 7/97

2) WB ex 5/96. Korda enne sõnavara ex 4-s. Ja siis kuula: WB ex 5/96

Task 3: Word test. What have you learned sofar (on Thursday and today) ?

PS! * trüki kõik sõnad väikeste tähtedega
* ära kasuta õpikut ega vihikut, iga vastuse trükkimiseks kulunud aeg on mulle näha!
* testi lõpus saadud punktid ei pruugi olla täpselt õiged, sest ma vaatan su vastused üle ja võin suurendada punkte (näiteks kui oled kasutanud sünonüüme, mida õpikus polnud)


Click here: Unit 9A vocabulary test

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Unit 9A: Gadgets (SECOND lesson)

Task 1: SB ex 1-5/96-97 find and write the following words or phrases

Unit 9A Words

1) papp
2) vask
3) nahk
4) teras
5) nailon
6) keraamiline, kahhel
7) võililled
8) betoon
9) langevarjud
10) vooluvõrk
11) ristkülikukujuline
12) kerakujuline
13) kolmnurkne
14) ringikujuline
15) juhtmeta, juhtmevaba
16) (midagi) ära hoidma, ennetama

Now check your words by scrolling down

Task 2: Look at the Estonian words in task 1 and translate. (16 sõna on vaja nüüd suuliselt pähe saada)

Task 3: WB ex 1-4/96 to write

You´ve been hard-working. Have a good break now!


1) cardboard
2) copper
3) leather
4) steel
5) nylon
6) ceramic
7) dandelion
8) concrete
9) parachutes
10) mains
11) rectangular
12) spherical
13) triangular
14) circular
15) cordless
16) prevent from doing (sth)

U9A: Gadgets (FIRST lesson)

Today's aims:

* introduction to a new unit
* what are gadgets
* revise and learn different words about materials and shapes

Task 1: Watch the video and take notes: Which gadget out of 9  would you buy and why?

CLICK: 9 Amazing gadgets

Task 2: SB ex 1/96 you can see 4 gadgets more. Would you prefer any to the ones in the video? If yes, write it into your notebook and add why.  (9+4 tehnikavidina hulgast vali enda arvates kõige parem, kasulikum ja kirjuta põhjus ka. Sul läheb oma märkeid hiljem vaja.)

Task 3: Read, listen and repeat. Find track 3.09!: Solutions Pre-Intermediate SB AUDIO

Task 4: SB ex 3/93 do the Quiz (Kirjuta tähed vihikusse ja siis kontrolli õpiku allosast)

Task 5: SB ex 4/97. Look around your home and do the task. Use an online dictionary for unfamiliar words. (Moodusta iga materjaliga üks lause, vajadusel tee eitavaid lauseid, selleks pead ex 2 sõnu teadma, vajadusel tõlkima)

Task 6: SB ex 5/97 Write the missing words.

Now scroll down and check your answers.

SB ex 5/97
1) mains, 2) mostly, 3) handle, 4) base, 5) allows

Sunday, March 22, 2020

My Story Book (based on an Irish folk tale)

Task 1: Answer the question

Did you listen to an Irish folk tale last week (19th March) and you wrote a short summary into your notebook?

Yes, I did. Go to task 2
No, I didn't.

Listen to an Irish folk tale and write the answers into your notebook.  You might have to listen twice. 

1) Who were the characters? (at least 1 sentence)
2) How did the story start? (at least 2 sentences)
3) What happened in the story? (at least 4 sentences)
4) How did the story end? (at least 1 sentence)
5) What is the morale of the story? (at least 1 sentence)
6) What is your opinion of the story? (at least 1 sentence)

Total: At least 10 sentences

Pay attention to which story you have to listen!

Andre-Asker and Triinu-Liisu:   "Cúchulainn"
Anna-Liisa and Bryan: "Fionn MacCumhaill"
Grete and Veron: "Deirdre of the Sorrows"
Jan-Raien and Triinu: "Maeve & The Bull of Cooley"
Reigo and Kirke: "The Children of Lír"
Karel and Kenno: "Tír Na nÓg"

Task 2: You are going to create a short story book based on an Irish tale. 

* Draw a photo for your book cover and type its title. Don't forget to add your first name, too. 
* Find a suitable background. Do not write more than 2-3 sentences on one page.  
* Keep adding pages. 
* On the last page add your opinion. 

In order to save your work and send a link to your teacher, you have to register by using your e-mail. And you have to publish it. I hope you can find these options. 

Let's get started: My Story Book

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Today's lessons: 19th March (2 days after St Patrick's Day)


TASK 1: Choose randomly at least one crossword and solve it.

CW nr 1

CW nr 2

CW nr 3

CW nr 4

CW nr 5

CW nr 6

CW nr 7

CW nr 8

CW nr 9

Task 2: Go to Padlet and answer all 5 questions. Don't forget to add your name!

Task 3: Go to  ABOUT IRELAND (WIKIPEDIA) and answer the following questions. Please take notes. There will be Quizizz test later! :-)

* Which one is part of the United Kingdom and which one is an independent country? Northern Ireland / The Republic of Ireland

All the following questions are about the Republic of Ireland
* What's the population? (2019 estimate)
* What are the official languages?
* Is Ireland the least forested country in Europe?
* What's the highest point?
* What is Ireland's climate like?
* Which area gets the highest level of precipitation?
* What does Ireland mostly export?
* Which low-cost airline is registered in Ireland?
* What are the 3 biggest towns?
* Which music band has been the best-selling act?
* How is the Irish potato pancake called?
* Which 2 sports attract the biggest number of spectators?

Task 4: Are you ready for the test to sum up the topic? If yes, click HERE and start. Don't forget to add your first name!  

Our first lesson is over. Time to take a break, stretch and rest!


Task 1: Listen to an Irish folk tale and write the answers into your notebook.  You might have to listen twice. 

1) Who were the characters? (at least 1 sentence)
2) How did the story start? (at least 2 sentences)
3) What happened in the story? (at least 4 sentences)
4) How did the story end? (at least 1 sentence)
5) What is the morale of the story? (at least 1 sentence)
6) What is your opinion of the story? (at least 1 sentence)

Total: At least 10 sentences

Pay attention to which story you have to listen!

Andre-Asker and Triinu-Liisu:   "Cúchulainn"
Anna-Liisa and Bryan: "Fionn MacCumhaill"
Grete and Veron: "Deirdre of the Sorrows"
Jan-Raien and Triinu: "Maeve & The Bull of Cooley"
Reigo and Kirke: "The Children of Lír"
Karel and Kenno: "Tír Na nÓg"

That's all for today. Stay well and talk to you on Monday! Don't forget to: WATCH, if you dare! :-)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

St Patrick's Day and Ireland

Task 1: Can you answer the following questions now? (You can take notes, if you wish. You do not have to send your teacher anything today.)

You can find the answers here: Ireland. Try to skim the text. (Ülesande eesmärgiks on pikemast ja raskemast tekstist leida just sinu jaoks vajalik fakt. Leia vastused küsimustele ja püüa vastused ka meelde jätta.)

* Which one is part of the United Kingdom and which one is an independent country? Northern Ireland / The Republic of Ireland

All the following questions are about the Republic of Ireland
* What's the population? (2019 estimate)
* What are the official languages?
* Is Ireland the least forested country in Europe?
* What's the highest point?
* What is Ireland's climate like?
* Which area gets the highest level of precipitation?
* What does Ireland mostly export?
* Which low-cost airline is registered in Ireland?
* What are the 3 biggest towns?
* Which music band has been the best-selling act?
* How is the Irish potato pancake called?
* Which 2 sports attract the biggest number of spectators?

Task 2: Watch and listen to the video carefully about St Patrick's Day

Task 3: Now go back to Stuudium and do the Quizizz test. You can find the link at Stuudium.

Monday, March 16, 2020

St Patrick's Day

The aims of Monday's lesson

* learn about Ireland and the most important national holiday of the Irish people.
* form questions and find answers
* create a crossword for Thursday

Task 1: Watch a video

Task 2: Type 5 questions from this video into a Word document, so that you can easily copy-paste them. Add answers.
  Try to choose more important facts!

Task 3: Read the article on Wikipedia

Task 4: Type 5 questions more, add answers.

Task 5: Now go to CROSSWORDLABS. 
* Make a Crossword
* Type St Patrick's Day (your name) as a title of  your crossword. Example: St Patrick's Day (Mari)
* Under each other type your answers and questions.
Example how to type: When in  March is the St Patrick's Day? - on the 17th
First type your answer in  without  space,  then leave one space and type your question using capital letters and punctuation  where needed.
ONTHESEVENTEENTH When in March is the St Patrick's Day?

Task 6: When your crossword is complete, create a password, write it down somewehere. You might have to use it on Thursday. Only you can make changes later!
Send your teacher the link or embed code. You can see her e-mail address at Stuudium.

Task 7: Rest your eyes and body from being behind the PC. Have a great break! :-)